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St Brigid's Primary & Nursery School, Carnhill

Christmas Celebrations

20th Nov 2020

Good afternoon Parents and Carers,

We are preparing for the Christmas Celebrations. All classes Nursery, Year 1 and 2 are practicing their virtual Nativity Story. All classes are sharing a Christmas song on the video. We will have to limit classes choir singing because of the risk of the airborne Covid particles. It will be very different from other years but it will be a joyful occasion.

We are also preparing a Christmas video similar to the one we did last year and would really appreciate all of the boys’ and girls’ wearing their Christmas Jumpers on Wednesday 2 December, we plan to video on this day. The Christmas dinner takes place on Thursday 10 December and they should bring their Christmas jumpers on this day also. We are trying to make it a day of fun and celebration for all our pupils.

Beauty and the Beast and DVD Day

A live streamed interactive Pantomime Beauty and the Beast is being shared with Primary Schools by the Southern Regional College on Monday 14 December, all of our classes will enjoy the show and some classes are going to record videos and interact with the production taking place in the college others will choose to watch and enjoy.

We are planning a DVD Popcorn day for all classes to add to the celebrations, we will share this date nearer the end of term. We are going to ask for £1.00 per child or £2.00 per family. The money collected will be used to make up Christmas Hampers to give to Foyle Food Bank for those families in need over Christmas especially at this very difficult time in our city.

Virtual Open Day

This year we are unable to have our usual Open Day. We are planning a virtual Open Day which we intend to release on the week of the 1 December please share with your family and friends especially those who have children of Nursey and Year 1 age for September 2021.

I would like to thank you for your support in these very challenging times. We really want to provide the best experiences for your child just as you do.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.

Kind regards

Mary McCallion