Access Keys:

St Brigid's Primary & Nursery School, Carnhill

Additional needs provision

Present in school provision in place in St Brigid’s to support children with additional needs.

Special groups

We have a Nurture Centre in St Brigid’s which operates on a full-time basis.   It supports children by developing their social and emotional skills as well as supporting children from year 1 to 7 with behavioural issues.

Support groups

We have a number of support teachers and they provide numeracy and literacy support to small groups of children from year 4 to 7 three afternoons per week. An experienced teacher from the Solas programme also supports children on an individual basis with their literacy and numeracy one morning per week.

Phonic groups

A very structured phonic intervention programme is in place for targeted children in year 3 and 4. This programme is led by a LSA every afternoon and it involves small group withdrawal support.


Headsprout is an online, computer assisted instruction programme which targets and improves literacy skills.18 pupils from Year 3 or 4 will use Headsprout 4 times a week for 20 weeks. The children will be assessed at the beginning and end of the programme to measure progress.